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2019 . . . Be Fierce!

2018 was full of fun, challenges, and a lot of personal and professional growth. I adopted the phrase, Live brave! Bravely live! in 2017. Through some challenges in 2018, I found myself taking it a step further. . . And when I saw this necklace at my favorite fair trade shop in McKinney, Fair & Square, Be Fierce! became my catchphrase for 2019!

Life sometimes calls us to plant our feet and be immovable in issues of ethics and integrity. In standing firm, I have had to fiercely engage, champion, and defend what is right. Maybe you share that story? Or maybe you are fiercely fighting a health and wellness battle? Fighting for your marriage, or your children?

There’s an essential oil for that! One of my all-time favorites, Valor™, a blend of Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense. Together, these oils can inspire us to be courageous and confident during times of stress and/or fear, promoting grounding, relaxation, self-control, and a positive perspective. Valor is beautiful in a diffuser or applied over your heart, on wrists, or back of your neck.

2019 will bring us many joys, some sorrows, challenges, and opportunities to “Live fiercely brave! Valor will be my essential oil companion for those moments. It could be yours as well.

Happy New Year!

Live fiercely brave!



If you are pregnant, under the care of a physician, or taking over the counter or prescription medication, consult with your physician or pharmacist before using essential oils.

How to order Young Livingâ„¢ Essential Oil Products

1) IF you are a current Young Living member: You may place orders by logging into your Virtual Office or you may place an order by phone: 1-800-371-3515.

2) IF you are not a Young Living member: PLEASE contact the first person who told you about Young Living products. If that is me, I am happy to be your sponsor and fully support your Young Living essential oil journey and products will be sent directly to your home. Simply contact me.

I will help you learn about ordering options, starter kits, how to earn free oils, free training, provide my cell phone, and much support.


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