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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and information on Hope and Healing Aromatherapy are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is the sole responsibility of the reader to decide to use or not use the information presented on this website. Please consult your health professional for medical evaluation before using essential oils.
How to order Young Livingâ„¢ Essential Oil Products1) IF you are a current Young Living member: You may place orders by logging into your Virtual Office or you may place an order by phone: 1-800-371-3515.2) IF you are not a Young Living member: PLEASE contact the first person who told you about Young Living products. If that is me, I am happy to be your sponsor and fully support your Young Living essential oil journey and products will be sent directly to your home.I will help you learn about ordering options, starter kits, how to earn free oils, free training, my cell phone, and much support.